The Modern CEO of Verizon Consumer: Embracing Customer Experience and AI as Competitive Advantages

The Modern CEO of Verizon Consumer: Embracing Customer Experience and AI as Competitive Advantages


The importance of the CEO in fostering a customer-centric culture stands out in the conversation with Sowmyanarayan Sampath, CEO of Verizon Consumer. Leading a massive organization, Sampath remains deeply involved in customer experience. He engages directly with customer feedback, responds to complaints, and ensures Verizon’s strategies are rooted in real customer experiences.

Success in CX relies on metrics like sales momentum, revenue per customer, and churn rate. These indicators show customer satisfaction and retention, allowing Verizon to adapt strategies to better meet customer needs.

CX includes product and service experience. Product experience focuses on the reliability and performance of Verizon’s services, such as network connectivity and broadband speeds. Service experience covers interactions like billing, customer care, and in-store experiences. Both must excel to earn and retain customer trust.

To improve responsiveness and service quality, Verizon decentralized its operations into 60 territories, each led by a local manager. This approach enables more personalized customer service tailored to regional needs. Simplification, with programs like “My Plan” and “My Home,” streamlines purchasing, reduces frustration, and makes choices easier for customers.

Verizon acknowledges its backend complexity but keeps this hidden from customers. Recent brand revamps aim to make Verizon appear less corporate and more relatable while maintaining trust. Clear policies, aligned incentives, and a supportive culture empower frontline employees to deliver exceptional service.

AI significantly impacts Verizon’s technology strategy. Verizon aims to be the world’s best AI-applied company, using AI to enhance employee experience, improve customer interactions, and increase cost efficiency. AI reduces the cognitive workload for frontline employees, simplifies customer interactions, and serves as a critical tool for cost management. AI deployment has cut call times and improved close rates on personalized emails.

Balanced metrics are essential to avoid overemphasis on any single aspect of performance. Leading indicators like transaction satisfaction, alongside lagging indicators like Net Promoter Score (NPS), provide a comprehensive view of CX. Sampath’s hands-on approach, including personally handling customer escalations, helps him stay connected with ground realities and continuously improve the customer experience.

Verizon’s focus on CX, driven from the top, leads to significant business improvements. For everyone in a customer-facing role, the key is to believe in the value of CX, integrate it into every interaction, and strive to enhance it.

Blake Morgan was called “The Queen of CX” by Meta. She is a customer experience futurist and author of three books on customer experience. Don’t miss her new book, “The Eight Laws of Customer-Focused Leadership.” To learn more visit

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